Setting up an electronic minimization
Setting up an electronic minimization calculation using density-functional theory requires a few steps. The input files must be created or copied into the execution folder. This includes making a few choices for the k point sampling and electronic smearing, minimization algorithm, and exchange-correlation functionals. A dry-run can be used to review settings and select appropriate parallelization tags. After running the calculation, the output can be analyzed.
Step-by-step instructions
Step 1: Create a POSCAR file containing the structure for which you want to compute the electronic groundstate. External Python tools like the Atomic Simulation Environment can help create structures.
Step 2: Choose an exchange-correlation (XC) functional appropriate for your material and quantity of interest according to the best practices for choosing an XC functional page.
Step 3: Create a suitable POTCAR file by following the instructions on our preparing a POTCAR page.
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