From VASP Wiki

ISMEAR = -15 | -14 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | [integer]>0
Default: ISMEAR = 1 

Description: ISMEAR determines how the partial occupancies fnk are set for each orbital. SIGMA determines the width of the smearing in eV.

Please consider how-to guide to choose the optimal smearing technique.

Tag options

Mind: Methfessel-Paxton can yield erroneous results for insulators because the partial occupancies can be unphysical.
  • ISMEAR = -2: Partial occupancies are read in from the WAVECAR and kept fixed throughout run. Alternatively, you can also choose occupancies in the INCAR file with the tag FERWE (and FERDO for ISPIN = 2 calculations).
  • ISMEAR = -4: Tetrahedron method without smearing.
  • ISMEAR = -5: Tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections without smearing.
  • ISMEAR = -14: Tetrahedron method with Fermi-Dirac smearing SIGMA.
  • ISMEAR = -15: Tetrahedron method with Blöchl corrections with Fermi-Dirac smearing SIGMA.
Mind: Use a Γ-centered k-mesh for the tetrahedron methods.

Related tags and articles

SIGMA, EFERMI, FERWE, FERDO, SMEARINGS, Smearing technique, K-point integration

Examples that use this tag