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In this section we
Computing expectation values of observables ''O'' over all Kohn-Sham orbitals is an important concept relevant to most ''ab initio'' calculations.
discuss partial occupancies. A must for all readers.
Typically, we can evaluate these expectation values as integral over all orbitals
First there is the question why to use partial occupancies at
all. The answer is: partial occupancies help to decrease the number
of k-points necessary to calculate an accurate band-structure energy.
This answer might be strange at first sight.
What we want to calculate is, the integral over the filled parts of
the bands

\sum_n \frac{1}{\Omega_{\mathrm{BZ}}} \int_{\Omega_{\mathrm{BZ}}}
  \langle O \rangle = \sum_n \frac{1}{\Omega_{\mathrm{BZ}}} \int_{\Omega_{\mathrm{BZ}}}
   \epsilon_{n\bold{k}} \, \Theta(\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}-\mu) \, d \bold{k},
   O_{n\bold{k}} \, \Theta(\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}} - \epsilon_{n\bold{k}}) \, d^{3}k,  

where <math>\Theta(x)</math> is the Dirac step function. Due to our finite
where Ω<sub>BZ</sub> is the volume of the Brillouin zone,
computer resources this integral has to be evaluated using
''O''<sub>n'''k'''</sub> is the expectation value of the observable with a single Kohn-Sham orbital,
a discrete set of k-points{{cite|baldereschi:prb:1973}}{{cite|chadi:prb:1973}}{{cite|monkhorst:prb:1976}}:
and Θ is the [ Heaviside step function] and limits the integral to orbitals with eigenvalues ϵ<sub>n'''k'''</sub> below the Fermi energy ϵ<sub>F</sub>.
When evaluating the integral above numerically, we need to address two concerns:
(i) We need to discretize the '''k'''-point integral since we do not know the analytic expression of the observable.
(ii) A sharp function cutoff like the Heaviside function is numerically unstable so we need robust smearing methods.
== Integrating over '''k''' points ==
Discretizing the '''k'''-point integral involves replacing the continuous integral over the Brillouin zone by a '''k'''-point mesh.{{cite|baldereschi:prb:1973}}{{cite|chadi:prb:1973}}{{cite|monkhorst:prb:1976}}

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Keeping the step function we get a sum
A '''k'''-point mesh consists of '''k'''-point coordinates and associated weights ''w''<sub>'''k'''</sub>.
In general, any mesh could be chosen but for periodic boundaries the optimal one are equidistant grids.
In VASP, we select this sampling by a {{FILE|KPOINTS}} file or the {{TAG|KSPACING}} tag.
We can improve the integrals further because the crystal exhibits certain symmetries.
Often we can deduce the value ''O''<sub>n'''k'''</sub> from a different symmetry-equivalent '''k''' point.
VASP automatically analyzes the symmetry of the crystal and reduces the '''k''' point mesh to the irreducible Brillouin zone.
The weights of each irreducible '''k''' point measure how many equivalent '''k''' points exist in the reducible Brillouin zone.
== Integrating near the Fermi energy ==
[[File:integrated.png|thumbnail|400px|Occupation of different smearing techniques near the Fermi energy ϵ<sub>F</sub>.
The energy is measured in units of the smearing σ ({{TAG|SIGMA}}).
The Methfessel-Paxton method (cyan) is closer to the step function than the Gaussian distribution (blue) but also has nonmonotonous features.
The smearing Fermi-Dirac distribution (purple) corresponds to a temperature but is much broader at the same value of σ.]]
We want to replace the Heaviside step function by a smooth equivalent to make the integral numerically stable.
Otherwise small changes in the energies would toggle the inclusion of a sample ''O''<sub>n'''k'''</sub> close to the Fermi energy.

   \sum_{\bold{k}} w_{\bold{k}} \epsilon_{n\bold{k}} \, \Theta(\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}-\mu),
   \sum_{n\bold{k}} \Theta(\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}} - \epsilon_{n\bold{k}}) \ldots \to \sum_{n\bold{k}} f_\sigma(\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}) \ldots

which converges exceedingly slow with the number of k-points included.
Here, the occupations ''f''<sub>σ</sub>(ϵ<sub>n'''k'''</sub>) approach 1 for energies far below the Fermi energy ϵ<sub>F</sub> and 0 for energies far above it.
This slow convergence speed arises  only  from the fact that
The parameter σ determines how wide the broadened step function is.
the occupancies jump form 1 to 0 at the Fermi-level.
If a band is completely filled the integral can be calculated
accurately using a low number of k-points (this is the
case for semiconductors and insulators).

For metals the trick is now to replace the step function <math>\Theta(\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}-\mu)</math>
In the figure, we illustrate the different smearing methods implemented in VASP.
by a (smooth) function <math>f(\{\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}\})</math>
The Fermi-Dirac smearing ({{TAGO|ISMEAR|-1}}) uses σ as the temperature in the Fermi-Dirac distribution{{cite|mermin:pra:1965}}
resulting in a much faster convergence speed
without destroying the accuracy of the sum.
Several methods have been proposed to solve this dazzling problem.

== Linear tetrahedron methods ==
    f_\sigma(\epsilon) = \Bigl[\exp(\frac{\epsilon-\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}}}{\sigma})+1\Bigr]^{-1}~.

Within the linear tetrahedron method, the term <math>\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}</math> is interpolated
One can also use the complementary error function ({{TAGO|ISMEAR|0}}) which results from integrating a Gaussian distribution as the occupation function.{{cite|devita:phd:1992}}
linearly between two k-points. Bloechl{{cite|bloechl:prb:1994}} has recently revised
This leads to a narrower edge than the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the same σ and a faster approach to the asymptotic behavior
the tetrahedron method to give effective weights <math>f(\{\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}\})</math>
for each band and k-point. In addition Bloechel was
able to derive a correction formula which removes the
quadratic error inherent in the linear tetrahedron method
(linear  tetrahedron method with Bloechel corrections).
The linear tetrahedron is more or less fool proof and requires
a minimal interference by the user.

The main drawback is that the Bloechels method is not variational with respect to
the partial occupancies if the correction terms are included,
    f_\sigma(\epsilon) = \frac{1}{2} \text{erfc}\Bigl[\frac{\epsilon-\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}}}{\sigma}\Bigr]~.
therefore the calculated forces might be wrong
by a few percent. If accurate forces are required
we recommend a finite temperature method.

== Finite temperature approaches - smearing methods ==
Methfessel and Paxton {{cite|methfessel:prb:1989}} developed higher order approximations to the step function ({{TAGO|ISMEAR|0|op=>}}).
In this case the step function is simply replaced by a smooth
function, for example the Fermi-Dirac function{{cite|mermin:pra:1965}}

f(\frac{\epsilon-\mu}{\sigma}) = \frac{1}{\exp(\frac{\epsilon-\mu}{\sigma})+1}.
    f_\sigma(\epsilon) = \frac{1}{2} \text{erfc}\Bigl[\frac{\epsilon-\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}}}{\sigma}\Bigr] + \exp\Bigl[-\bigl(\frac{\epsilon-\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}}}{\sigma}\bigr)^2\Bigr] \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{(-1)^i}{4^i i! \sqrt\pi} H_{2i-1}\Bigl[\frac{\epsilon-\epsilon_{\mathrm{F}}}{\sigma}\Bigr]~.

or a Gauss like function{{cite|devita:phd:1992}}
Here, ''n'' is the order of the expansion and ''H''<sub>j</sub> is the j-th Hermite polynomial.
The first order Methfessel-Paxton smearing is shown in the figure.
This method leads to an even narrower distribution but introduces a nonmonotonous behavior that can lead to problems in semiconductors and insulators.
A consequence of these broadening techniques is that the total energy is no longer variational (or minimal).
It is necessary to replace the total energy by some generalized free energy

f(\frac{\epsilon-\mu}{\sigma}) = \frac{1}{2} \left ( 1- {\mathrm{erf}}
    F = E - \sum_{n\bold{k}} w_{\bold{k}} \sigma S[f_\sigma(\epsilon_{n\bold{k}})].
      \left [ \frac{\epsilon - \mu}{\sigma} \right ] \right ).

is one used quite frequently in the context of solid state calculations.
For the Fermi-Dirac statistics, we might interpret this as the free energy of the electrons at some finite temperature σ = ''k''<sub>B</sub>''T''.
Nevertheless, it turns out that the total energy is no longer
There is no straightforward interpretation of the free energy in the case of Gaussian or Methfessel-Paxton smearing.
variational (or minimal) in this case. It is necessary to replace the
Despite this, it is possible to obtain an accurate extrapolation for σ → 0 from results at finite σ  using the formula
total energy by some generalized free energy

F =E - \sum_{n\bold{k}} w_{\bold{k}} \sigma S(f_{n\bold{k}}).
    E_0 = E(\sigma \to 0) = \frac{1}{2} (F + E)~.
The calculated forces are now the derivatives of this free energy <math>F</math>
(see {{TAG|Forces}}).
''E''<sub>0</sub> is a meaningful physical quantity for the ground state energy of the system.
In conjunction with Fermi-Dirac statistics
Importantly, the [[:Category:Forces|calculated forces]] are the derivatives of the free energy ''F'' and not of ''E''<sub>0</sub>.
the free energy might be interpreted as the free energy
Nonetheless, the difference of the forces is generally small and acceptable it a suitable σ is used.
of the electrons at some finite temperature  <math>\sigma=k_{\mathrm{B}} T</math>,
but the physical significance remains unclear in the case
When we consider ''E''<sub>0</sub> as our target property, the smearing methods serve as a mathematical tool to obtain faster convergence with respect to the number of k-points.
of Gaussian smearing. Despite this problem, it is
Generally, the Gaussian broadening requires more careful tuning of the width σ compared to the Methfessel-Paxton method.
possible to obtain an accurate
If σ is too large, the energy ''E''(σ → 0) will converge to the wrong value even for an infinite '''k'''-point mesh.
extrapolation for <math>\sigma \to 0</math>
If σ is too small, we require a much denser '''k'''-point mesh and a significantly larger computational cost.
from results at finite <math>\sigma</math> using the formula
With the Methfessel-Paxton method the sharper edge usually averts the necessity of tuning σ.
However, since the occupation function is nonmonotonous, it is '''not''' suitable to describe systems with a bandgap.
== Tetrahedron method ==
[[File:tetrahedron.png|thumbnail|400px|Four '''k''' points forming a single tetrahedron with ordered eigenvalues ϵ<sub>1</sub>, ϵ<sub>2</sub>, ϵ<sub>3</sub>, and ϵ<sub>4</sub>.
The lines show the occupation of the orbitals with changing Fermi energy ϵ<sub>F</sub> where the darkest line corresponds to the lowest and the brightest line to the highest eigenvalue.
For the Gaussian smearing (blue) every '''k''' point is considered individually leading to half filling when the Fermi energy reaches the eigenvalue.
The tetrahedron method (red) does not fill any orbital if the Fermi energy is outside of the bounds of the tetrahedron.
The tetrahedron method is an alternative approach to address the sharp edge of the Heaviside step function.
Instead of considering each '''k''' point individually, we triangulate the '''k'''-point mesh, i.e., we split it into as many tetrahedra as necessary to cover the whole Brillouin zone.
We use a linear interpolation of the band energies ϵ<sub>n'''k'''</sub> within each tetrahedron the band energies.
Blöchl{{cite|bloechl:prb:1994}} derived correction terms to cancel the linearization errors of the tetrahedron method.
With this interpolation, we can solve integral over the Brillouin zone analytically considering each tetrahedron individually.
It does not require a choice of a width σ like the broadening methods.
The figure illustrates the difference between broadening and interpolation method.
A broadening method like the Gaussian smearing considers every '''k''' point individually.
Therefore, it will start filling the orbital as soon as the Fermi energy reaches the width σ of the broadening.
In the tetrahedron method, the '''k''' points of the tetrahedron only get occupied once the Fermi energy exceeds the lowest eigenvalue.
Similarly, it is completely filled once the Fermi energy exceeds the maximum value.
As a consequence, the occupations of the different '''k''' points are much closer to each other.
Overall, the tetrahedron method yields very accurate occupations with minimal user input.
It is very well suited to obtain accurate integral (e.g. total energy) and band onsets (e.g. density of state).
The main drawback is that the Blöchel's correction of the linearization errors is not variational with respect to the partial occupancies.
Therefore the calculated forces might be wrong by a few percent.
If accurate forces are required we recommend a finite temperature method.
== Determining the Fermi energy ==
One important example of integrals over all orbitals is the calculation of the Fermi energy.
In this case, the observable is identity and the sum of all occupations should be equal to the number of electrons ''N''<sub>e</sub>

E(\sigma \to 0) =E_0=  \frac{1}{2} ( F +E) .
    \sum_{n\bold{k}} f_\sigma(\epsilon_{n\bold{k}}) = N_{\mathrm{e}}~.

In this way we get a "physical" quantity from a
This leads to a straightforward interval-bisection algorithm to compute the Fermi energy.
finite temperature calculation, and the Gaussian smearing method
We guess bounds for the Fermi energy and then compute the sum of all occupations in the middle of the interval.
serves as an mathematical tool to obtain faster convergence with respect
If this results in a number larger than the number of electrons, we replace the upper bound otherwise we replace the lower one.
to the number of k-points.
For Al this method  converges even faster than the
linear  tetrahedron method with Bloechel corrections.
== Improved functional form by Methfessel and Paxton ==

Typical convenient settings  for <math>\sigma</math> for different metals:
Note that this algorithm is not deterministic for systems with a bandgap, where any Fermi energy in the gap would be fine.
Aluminium possesses an extremely simple DOS, Lithium and Tellurium
VASP achieves more consistent results for these system by a good initial guess for the Fermi energy (see {{TAG|EFERMI}}).
are also simple nearly free electron metals, therefore
This potentially leads to an early exit of the bisection algorithm so that only for metals many iterations of bisection are considered.
<math>\sigma</math> might be large. For Copper
<math>\sigma</math> is restricted by the fact that the d-band lies approximately
0.5 eV beneath the Fermi-level. Rhodium and Vanadium posses a fairly
complex structure in the DOS at the Fermi-level, <math>\sigma</math> must be small.

| class="wikitable"
== Related tags and sections ==
[[Smearing technique]]

== References ==
== References ==
[[Category:Electronic Minimization]][[Category:Electronic Minimization Methods]][[Category:Density of States]][[Category:Theory]]
[[Category:Electronic minimization]][[Category:Electronic_occupancy]]
[[Category:Crystal momentum]][[Category:Theory]]

Latest revision as of 13:00, 28 February 2025

Computing expectation values of observables O over all Kohn-Sham orbitals is an important concept relevant to most ab initio calculations. Typically, we can evaluate these expectation values as integral over all orbitals

where ΩBZ is the volume of the Brillouin zone, Onk is the expectation value of the observable with a single Kohn-Sham orbital, and Θ is the Heaviside step function and limits the integral to orbitals with eigenvalues ϵnk below the Fermi energy ϵF.

When evaluating the integral above numerically, we need to address two concerns: (i) We need to discretize the k-point integral since we do not know the analytic expression of the observable. (ii) A sharp function cutoff like the Heaviside function is numerically unstable so we need robust smearing methods.

Integrating over k points

Discretizing the k-point integral involves replacing the continuous integral over the Brillouin zone by a k-point mesh.[1][2][3]

A k-point mesh consists of k-point coordinates and associated weights wk. In general, any mesh could be chosen but for periodic boundaries the optimal one are equidistant grids. In VASP, we select this sampling by a KPOINTS file or the KSPACING tag.

We can improve the integrals further because the crystal exhibits certain symmetries. Often we can deduce the value Onk from a different symmetry-equivalent k point. VASP automatically analyzes the symmetry of the crystal and reduces the k point mesh to the irreducible Brillouin zone. The weights of each irreducible k point measure how many equivalent k points exist in the reducible Brillouin zone.

Integrating near the Fermi energy

Occupation of different smearing techniques near the Fermi energy ϵF. The energy is measured in units of the smearing σ (SIGMA). The Methfessel-Paxton method (cyan) is closer to the step function than the Gaussian distribution (blue) but also has nonmonotonous features. The smearing Fermi-Dirac distribution (purple) corresponds to a temperature but is much broader at the same value of σ.

We want to replace the Heaviside step function by a smooth equivalent to make the integral numerically stable. Otherwise small changes in the energies would toggle the inclusion of a sample Onk close to the Fermi energy.

Here, the occupations fσnk) approach 1 for energies far below the Fermi energy ϵF and 0 for energies far above it. The parameter σ determines how wide the broadened step function is.

In the figure, we illustrate the different smearing methods implemented in VASP. The Fermi-Dirac smearing (ISMEAR = -1) uses σ as the temperature in the Fermi-Dirac distribution[4]

One can also use the complementary error function (ISMEAR = 0) which results from integrating a Gaussian distribution as the occupation function.[5] This leads to a narrower edge than the Fermi-Dirac distribution for the same σ and a faster approach to the asymptotic behavior

Methfessel and Paxton [6] developed higher order approximations to the step function (ISMEAR > 0).

Here, n is the order of the expansion and Hj is the j-th Hermite polynomial. The first order Methfessel-Paxton smearing is shown in the figure. This method leads to an even narrower distribution but introduces a nonmonotonous behavior that can lead to problems in semiconductors and insulators.

A consequence of these broadening techniques is that the total energy is no longer variational (or minimal). It is necessary to replace the total energy by some generalized free energy

For the Fermi-Dirac statistics, we might interpret this as the free energy of the electrons at some finite temperature σ = kBT. There is no straightforward interpretation of the free energy in the case of Gaussian or Methfessel-Paxton smearing. Despite this, it is possible to obtain an accurate extrapolation for σ → 0 from results at finite σ using the formula

E0 is a meaningful physical quantity for the ground state energy of the system. Importantly, the calculated forces are the derivatives of the free energy F and not of E0. Nonetheless, the difference of the forces is generally small and acceptable it a suitable σ is used.

When we consider E0 as our target property, the smearing methods serve as a mathematical tool to obtain faster convergence with respect to the number of k-points. Generally, the Gaussian broadening requires more careful tuning of the width σ compared to the Methfessel-Paxton method. If σ is too large, the energy E(σ → 0) will converge to the wrong value even for an infinite k-point mesh. If σ is too small, we require a much denser k-point mesh and a significantly larger computational cost. With the Methfessel-Paxton method the sharper edge usually averts the necessity of tuning σ. However, since the occupation function is nonmonotonous, it is not suitable to describe systems with a bandgap.

Tetrahedron method

Four k points forming a single tetrahedron with ordered eigenvalues ϵ1, ϵ2, ϵ3, and ϵ4. The lines show the occupation of the orbitals with changing Fermi energy ϵF where the darkest line corresponds to the lowest and the brightest line to the highest eigenvalue. For the Gaussian smearing (blue) every k point is considered individually leading to half filling when the Fermi energy reaches the eigenvalue. The tetrahedron method (red) does not fill any orbital if the Fermi energy is outside of the bounds of the tetrahedron.

The tetrahedron method is an alternative approach to address the sharp edge of the Heaviside step function. Instead of considering each k point individually, we triangulate the k-point mesh, i.e., we split it into as many tetrahedra as necessary to cover the whole Brillouin zone. We use a linear interpolation of the band energies ϵnk within each tetrahedron the band energies. Blöchl[7] derived correction terms to cancel the linearization errors of the tetrahedron method.

With this interpolation, we can solve integral over the Brillouin zone analytically considering each tetrahedron individually. It does not require a choice of a width σ like the broadening methods. The figure illustrates the difference between broadening and interpolation method. A broadening method like the Gaussian smearing considers every k point individually. Therefore, it will start filling the orbital as soon as the Fermi energy reaches the width σ of the broadening. In the tetrahedron method, the k points of the tetrahedron only get occupied once the Fermi energy exceeds the lowest eigenvalue. Similarly, it is completely filled once the Fermi energy exceeds the maximum value. As a consequence, the occupations of the different k points are much closer to each other.

Overall, the tetrahedron method yields very accurate occupations with minimal user input. It is very well suited to obtain accurate integral (e.g. total energy) and band onsets (e.g. density of state). The main drawback is that the Blöchel's correction of the linearization errors is not variational with respect to the partial occupancies. Therefore the calculated forces might be wrong by a few percent. If accurate forces are required we recommend a finite temperature method.

Determining the Fermi energy

One important example of integrals over all orbitals is the calculation of the Fermi energy. In this case, the observable is identity and the sum of all occupations should be equal to the number of electrons Ne

This leads to a straightforward interval-bisection algorithm to compute the Fermi energy. We guess bounds for the Fermi energy and then compute the sum of all occupations in the middle of the interval. If this results in a number larger than the number of electrons, we replace the upper bound otherwise we replace the lower one.

Note that this algorithm is not deterministic for systems with a bandgap, where any Fermi energy in the gap would be fine. VASP achieves more consistent results for these system by a good initial guess for the Fermi energy (see EFERMI). This potentially leads to an early exit of the bisection algorithm so that only for metals many iterations of bisection are considered.

Related tags and sections

KPOINTS, ISMEAR, SIGMA, Smearing technique
