Many-body dispersion energy with fractionally ionic model for polarizability
A variant of Many-body dispersion energy method based on fractionally ionic model for polarizability of Gould[1], hereafter dubbed MBD@rsSCS/FI, has been introduced in Ref.[2] Just like in the original MBD@rsSCS, dispersion energy in MBD@rsSCS/FI is computed using
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However, the two methods differ in the model used to approximate the atomic polarizabilities () needed to define tensor. The MBD@rsSCS makes use of the pre-computed static polarizabilities of neutral atoms ()
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whereby the volume ratios between interacting and non-interacting atoms () is obtained using conventional Hirshfeld partitioning[3]. Although the MBD@rsSCS/FI employs a similar scaling relation:
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it relies on Gould's model[1] of frequency-dependent polarizabilities () and charge densities of non-interacting fractional ions combined with iterative Hirshfeld partitioning[4]. Obviously, the MBD@rsSCS and the MBD@rsSCS/FI are equivalent for non-polar systems, such as graphite, but typically yield distinctly different results for polar and ionic materials[2].
The MBD@rsSCS/FI method is invoked by setting IVDW=263. Optionally, the following parameters can be user-defined (the given values are the default ones):
- VDW_SR=0.83 : scaling parameter
- LVDWEXPANSION=.FALSE. : writes the two- to six- body contributions to the MBD dispersion energy in the OUTCAR (LVDWEXPANSION=.TRUE.)
- LSCSGRAD=.TRUE. : compute gradients (or not)
- VDW_R0 : radii for atomic reference (see also Tkatchenko-Scheffler method)
- ITIM=1: if set to +1, apply eigenvalue remapping to avoid unphysical cases where the eigenvalues of the matrix are non-positive, see reference[2] for details
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VDW_ALPHA, VDW_C6, VDW_R0, VDW_SR, LVDWEXPANSION, LSCSGRAD, IVDW, Tkatchenko-Scheffler method, Self-consistent screening in Tkatchenko-Scheffler method, Tkatchenko-Scheffler method with iterative Hirshfeld partitioning, Many-body dispersion energy
- ↑ a b T. Gould and T. Bučko, C6 Coefficients and Dipole Polarizabilities for All Atoms and Many Ions in Rows 1–6 of the Periodic Table, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 12, 3603 (2016).
- ↑ a b c T. Gould, S. Lebègue, J. G. Ángyán, and T. Bučko, A Fractionally Ionic Approach to Polarizability and van der Waals Many-Body Dispersion Calculations, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 12, 5920 (2016).
- ↑ F. Hirshfeld, Bonded-atom fragments for describing molecular charge densities, Theor. Chim. Acta 44, 129 (1977).
- ↑ P. Bultinck, C. Van Alsenoy, P. W. Ayers, and R. Carbó Dorca, J. Chem. Phys. 126, 144111 (2007).
- ↑ T. Bučko, S. Lebègue, T. Gould, and J. G. Ángyán, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28, 045201 (2016).