From VASP Wiki

Default: LDMATRIX = .FALSE. 

Description: Computes the zero-field splitting (ZFS) matrix.

To compute the zero-field-splitting (ZFS) tensor due to spin-spin interactions in a collinear magnetic calculation (ISPIN = 2), set:

 # sets default LHFCALC = True ; AEXX=0.0

The ZFS arises from spin-spin interactions between unpaired electrons in a high-spin state with a total spin . The ZFS matrix, also called D matrix, is measured in electron-spin resonance (ESR) experiments and provides insights into the local electronic environment of defect centers.

The implementation follows the formalism of Rayson and Briddon (2008)[1], which efficiently evaluates the spin-spin interaction within periodic density-functional theory (DFT) using reciprocal space methods. This approach avoids expensive six-dimensional real-space integrations, leading to a stable and computationally efficient method. The expressions are similar to integrals used to evaluate the exact exchange energies for hybrid and HF-type calculation, hence VASP sets LHFCALC = True. This still allows for simple DFT calculations (AEXX = 0.0 default), however mind that the default symmetrization is ISYM = 3. LDMATRIX should not be combined with ISYM = 1, or 2.


The computed zero-field splitting is written in MHz to the stdout:

 Jij:    -0.0003356     0.0003475    -0.0000119   965.1231107   965.1238969   965.1238508
-Kij:    -0.0002748    -0.0000059     0.0002807    64.8471208    64.8472015    64.8471523
 D1c:    -0.0000541     0.0000275     0.0000267    11.1897131    11.1897125    11.1897272

and the OUTCAR file:

Spin-spin contribution to zero-field splitting tensor (MHz)
     D_xx      D_yy      D_zz      D_xy      D_xz      D_yz 
     0.001     0.000    -0.001  1042.316  1020.260  1041.130

after diagonalization
    D_diag          eigenvector (x,y,z)
 -1020.244      -0.697    -0.019     0.717
 -1048.926      -0.427     0.814    -0.393
  2069.171      -0.576    -0.580    -0.576


Warning: LDMATRIX cannot be used with noncollinear magnetic calculations (LNONCOLLINEAR and/or LSORBIT).
  • Spin-contamination corrections: Some users have modified the source code to include spin-contamination corrections, particularly for low-spin states (). These modifications are not included in the default VASP version but can be implemented manually. See forum discussion: https://vasp.at/forum/viewtopic.php?p=29801p29801

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