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ML_LIB = [logical] 

Default: ML_LIB = .TRUE. if compiled with VASPml library (precompiler flag -Dlibvaspml)
= .FALSE. else

Description: ML_LIB enables/disables the use of the VASPml C++ library for machine-learning features.

Mind: Available as of VASP 6.5.0

Some machine learning modes of operation (ML_MODE) are implemented twice in VASP, once in the original Fortran code and again in a C++ rewrite as part of the VASPml library. However, the supported features and INCAR tags may be different. For example, the C++ library does not yet implement the thermodynamic integration method. The ML_LIB tag allows to switch seamlessly between the two code paths without the need to recompile VASP.

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