Constrained molecular dynamics is performed using the SHAKE[1] algorithm.
In this algorithm, the Lagrangian for the system
is extended as follows:
\mathcal{L}^*(\mathbf{q,\dot{q}}) = \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{q,\dot{q}}) +
\sum_{i=1}^{r} \lambda_i \sigma_i(q),
where the summation is over r geometric constraints,
is the Lagrangian for the extended system, and λi is a Lagrange multiplier associated with a geometric constraint σi:
\sigma_i(q) = \xi_i({q})-\xi_i \;
with ξi(q) being a geometric parameter and ξi is the value of ξi(q) fixed during the simulation.
In the SHAKE algorithm, the Lagrange multipliers λi are determined in the iterative procedure:
- Perform a standard MD step (leap-frog algorithm):
v^{t+{\Delta}t/2}_i = v^{t-{\Delta}t/2}_i + \frac{a^{t}_i}{m_i} {\Delta}t
q^{t+{\Delta}t}_i = q^{t}_i + v^{t+{\Delta}t/2}_i{\Delta}t
- Use the new positions q(t+Δt) to compute Lagrange multipliers for all constraints:
{\lambda}_k= \frac{1}{{\Delta}t^2} \frac{\sigma_k(q^{t+{\Delta}t})}{\sum_{i=1}^N m_i^{-1} \bigtriangledown_i{\sigma}_k(q^{t}) \bigtriangledown_i{\sigma}_k(q^{t+{\Delta}t})}
- Update the velocities and positions by adding a contribution due to restoring forces (proportional to λk):
v^{t+{\Delta}t/2}_i = v^{t-{\Delta}t/2}_i + \left( a^{t}_i-\sum_k \frac{{\lambda}_k}{m_i} \bigtriangledown_i{\sigma}_k(q^{t}) \right ) {\Delta}t
q^{t+{\Delta}t}_i = q^{t}_i + v^{t+{\Delta}t/2}_i{\Delta}t
- repeat steps 2-4 until either |σi(q)| are smaller than a predefined tolerance (determined by SHAKETOL), or the number of iterations exceeds SHAKEMAXITER.