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{{TAGDEF|GGA|91 {{!}} PE {{!}} RP {{!}} PS {{!}} AM| type of exchange-correlation in accordance with the {{FILE|POTCAR}} file}}
{{TAGDEF|GGA|PE {{!}} RP {{!}} PS {{!}} AM {{!}} LIBXC {{!}} ...}}

Description: {{TAG|GGA}} specifies the type of generalized-gradient-approximation one wishes to use.
Default: The functional specified by {{TAG|LEXCH}} in the {{FILE|POTCAR}} if {{TAG|METAGGA}} and {{TAG|XC}} are also not specified.
Description: Selects a LDA or GGA [[Exchange-correlation_functionals|exchange-correlation functional]].
This tag was added to perform GGA calculation with pseudopotentials generated with conventional LDA reference configurations.
This tag was added to perform GGA calculations with pseudopotentials generated with conventional LDA reference configurations.
{{NB| important| VASP recalculates the exchange-correlation energy inside the PAW sphere and corrects the atomic energies given by the {{FILE|POTCAR}} file. For this to work, the original LEXCH tag must not be modified in the {{FILE|POTCAR}} file.}}
*When the OR, BO, MK, ML or CX GGA is used in combination with the nonlocal vdW-DF functional of Dion ''et al.''{{cite|dion:prl:2004}}, the GGA component of the correlation should in principle be turned off with {{TAG|AGGAC}}{{=}}0 (see {{TAG|nonlocal vdW-DF functionals}}).
*The {{TAG|XC}} tag, available since VASP.6.4.3, can be used to specify any linear combination of LDA, {{TAG|GGA}} and {{TAG|METAGGA}} exchange-correlation functionals.}}
*The options in the last table allow to select range-separated ACFDT calculations, where a short-range local (DFT-like) exchange and correlation kernel is added to the long-range exchange and RPA correlation energy.
==  Available functionals  ==

Possible options are:
This table lists the LDA and GGA functionals available in VASP. The names of functionals which end with "_X" and "_C" correspond to exchange-only and correlation functionals, respectively.

{| class="sortable wikitable"
<!-- these first three options have been obsolete since VASP.4.X
|91 || || Perdew -Wang 91
|AM || ||AM05<ref name="armiento:prb:05"/><ref name="mattson:jcp:08"/><ref name="mattson:prb:09"/>
! style="text-align:center;" style=width:6em | GGA= !! style="text-align:center;" style=width:3.5em | Type !! class="unsortable" | Description
|PB || || Perdew -Becke
| style="text-align:center;"| LIBXC (or LI) || style="text-align:center;"| LDA/GGA || Any LDA or GGA from the external library Libxc.{{cite|marques:cpc:2012}}{{cite|lehtola:sx:2018}}{{cite|libxc}} It is necessary to have [[Makefile.include#Libxc_.28optional.29|Libxc >= 5.2.0 installed]] and VASP.6.3.0 or higher compiled with [[Precompiler_options#-DUSELIBXC|precompiler options]]. The {{TAG|LIBXC1}} and {{TAG|LIBXC2}} tags (where examples are shown) are also required.
|PW || || Perdew -Wang 86
| style="text-align:center;"| CA (or PZ)<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Slater exchange{{cite|dirac:mpcps:1930}} + Perdew-Zunger parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.{{cite|ceperley1980}}{{cite|perdewzunger1981}}
|LM || || Langreth-Mehl-Hu
| style="text-align:center;"| PW92<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Slater exchange{{cite|dirac:mpcps:1930}} + Perdew-Wang parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.{{cite|ceperley1980}}{{cite|perdew1992}} Available since VASP.6.5.0.
|- -->
|PE || || Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof
|RP || || revised Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof
| style="text-align:center;"| SL<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Slater exchange only.{{cite|dirac:mpcps:1930}} Available since VASP.6.4.3.
|PS || ||Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof revised for solids (PBEsol)<ref name="perdew:prl:08"/>
| style="text-align:center;"| CA_C (or PZ_C) || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Correlation-only Perdew-Zunger parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.{{cite|ceperley1980}}{{cite|perdewzunger1981}} Available since VASP.6.4.3.
| style="text-align:center;"| PW92_C || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Correlation-only Perdew-Wang parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.{{cite|ceperley1980}}{{cite|perdew1992}} Available since VASP.6.5.0.
| style="text-align:center;"| VW<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Slater exchange{{cite|dirac:mpcps:1930}} + Vosko-Wilk-Nusair correlation (VWN5).{{cite|vosko1980}}
| style="text-align:center;"| HL<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Slater exchange{{cite|dirac:mpcps:1930}} + Hedin-Lundqvist correlation.{{cite|hedin1971}}
| style="text-align:center;"| WI<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| LDA || Slater exchange{{cite|dirac:mpcps:1930}} + Wigner correlation{{cite|Wigner:tfs:1938}} (Eq. (3.2) in Ref. {{cite|pines:ssp:1955}}).
| style="text-align:center;"| PE || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE).{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}}
| style="text-align:center;"| PBE_X || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Exchange-only Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}} Available since VASP.6.4.3.
| style="text-align:center;"| PBE_C || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Correlation-only Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}} Available since VASP.6.4.3.
| style="text-align:center;"| RE || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Revised PBE from Zhang and Yang (revPBE).{{cite|zhang1998}}
| style="text-align:center;"| RP || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Revised PBE from Hammer ''et al''. (RPBE).{{cite|hammer1999}}
| style="text-align:center;"| PS || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Revised PBE for solids (PBEsol).{{cite|perdew:prl:2008}}
| style="text-align:center;"| AM || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Armiento-Mattsson (AM05).{{cite|armiento:prb:05}}{{cite|mattson:jcp:08}}{{cite|mattson:prb:09}}
| style="text-align:center;"| 91<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || Perdew-Wang (PW91).{{cite|perdew:prb:1991}}
| style="text-align:center;"| B3<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || B3LYP{{cite|stephens:jpc:1994}} with VWN3{{cite|vosko1980}} for LDA correlation.
| style="text-align:center;"| B5<span style="color:blue"><sup>(1)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || B3LYP{{cite|stephens:jpc:1994}} with VWN5{{cite|vosko1980}} for LDA correlation.
| style="text-align:center;"| OR<span style="color:blue"><sup>(2)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || optPBE exchange{{cite|klimes:jpcm:2010}} + PBE correlation.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}}
| style="text-align:center;"| BO<span style="color:blue"><sup>(2)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || optB88 exchange{{cite|klimes:jpcm:2010}} + PBE correlation.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}} {{TAGBL|PARAM1}}=0.1833333333 for <math>\beta</math> and {{TAGBL|PARAM2}}=0.22 for <math>\mu</math> also need to be specified.
| style="text-align:center;"| MK<span style="color:blue"><sup>(2)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || optB86b exchange{{cite|klimes:prb:2011}} + PBE correlation.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}} The {{TAGBL|PARAM1}} and {{TAGBL|PARAM2}} tags can be used to modify the parameters <math>\mu</math> and <math>\kappa</math>, respectively.
| style="text-align:center;"| ML<span style="color:blue"><sup>(2)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || PW86R exchange{{cite|lee:prb:2010}} + PBE correlation.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}}
| style="text-align:center;"| CX<span style="color:blue"><sup>(2)</sup></span> || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || CX (LV-PW86r) exchange{{cite|berland:prb:2014}} + PBE correlation.{{cite|perdew:prl:1996}}

| style="text-align:center;"| BF || style="text-align:center;"| GGA || BEEF (requires VASP compiled with [[Precompiler_options#-Dlibbeef|-Dlibbeef]]).{{cite|beef2012}}

HL &  1 & 4 & Hedin Lundquist &  (3)\\
CA &  2 & 1 & Ceperley Alder &  (1) \\
PZ &  2 & 1 & Ceperley Alder &  parametrization of Perdew Zunger(2) \\
WI &  3 & 6 & Wigner &  (4)\\
PB &  4 & 1 & Ceperley Alder & Perdew Becke (5) \\
PW &  5 & 1 & Ceperley Alder &(6) \\
LM &  6 & 1 & Ceperley Alder &Langereth Mehl (7)\\
91 &  7 & 1 & Ceperley Alder & Perdew-Wang 91 (8) \\
PE &  8 & 7  & PB &    PBE (9) , Pade Approx (11)\\
RP &  9 & 7  &  RPBE(10) &  Pade Approx (11) \\
VW & 10 & 2 &  VW &LDA + Vosko-Wilk-Nusair (11) \\
B3 & 11 & 11 & VWN3 & Joachim Paier: B3LYP LDA part is VWNIII-correlation (12)\\
B5 & 12 & 12 & VWN5 &  B3LYP LDA part is VWN5-correlation (13)\\
%  & 8,9,40-50 & 7 & Pade approx\\
AM & 13 & 7 & &AM05 uses the PW LDA correlation (same as PBE) (14)\\
PS & 14 & 7 & &jP: PBEsol - LDA part identical to PBE (15)\\
BF & 17 & 7 & BEEF & xc (with libbeef) (16)\\
CO & 100 & -1 & no ex-corr & jP: PBEsol - LDA part identical to PBE (17)\\
?? &  ?? & 3  & GL & Gunnarson-Lundqvist (?)  \\
?? &  ?? & 5  & BH & Barth-Hedin (?)  \\

<span style="color:blue">(1)</span> The Slater LDA exchange includes relativistic effects.{{cite|macdonald:jpc:1979}}

<span style="color:blue">(2)</span> The exchange component was designed in particular to be used as the exchange component of {{TAG|Nonlocal vdW-DF functionals}} and with {{TAG|AGGAC}}=0 such that only LDA is used for the local correlation, see [[Nonlocal_vdW-DF_functionals#List_of_nonlocal_vdW-DF_functionals|list of nonlocal vdW-DF functionals]].

== Related tags and articles ==

The tags AM (AM05) and PS (PBEsol) are only supported by VASP.5.X. The AM05 functional and the PBEsol functional are constructed using different principles, but both aim at a decent description of yellium surface energies. In practice, they yield quite similar results for most materials. Both are available for spin polarized calculations.
{{sc|GGA|Examples|Examples that use this tag}}

== References ==
== References ==
<ref name="armiento:prb:05">[ R. Armiento and A. E. Mattsson, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085108 (2005).]</ref>
<ref name="mattson:jcp:08">[ A. E. Mattsson, R. Armiento, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J.M. Wills, and T.R. Mattsson, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 084714 (2008).]</ref>
<ref name="mattson:prb:09">[ A. E. Mattsson and R. Armiento, Phys. Rev. B 79, 155101 (2009).]</ref>
<ref name="perdew:prl:08">[ J. P. Perdew, A. Ruzsinszky, G. I. Csonka, O. A. Vydrov, G. E. Scuseria, L. A. Constantin, X. Zhou, and K. Burke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 136406 (2008).]</ref>

[[Category:INCAR tag]][[Category:Exchange-correlation functionals]]

Latest revision as of 10:36, 28 February 2025

GGA = PE | RP | PS | AM | LIBXC | ... 

Default: The functional specified by LEXCH in the POTCAR if METAGGA and XC are also not specified.

Description: Selects a LDA or GGA exchange-correlation functional.

Important: VASP recalculates the exchange-correlation energy inside the PAW sphere and corrects the atomic energies given by the POTCAR file. For this to work, the original LEXCH tag must not be modified in the POTCAR file.
  • When the OR, BO, MK, ML or CX GGA is used in combination with the nonlocal vdW-DF functional of Dion et al.[1], the GGA component of the correlation should in principle be turned off with AGGAC=0 (see nonlocal vdW-DF functionals).
  • The XC tag, available since VASP.6.4.3, can be used to specify any linear combination of LDA, GGA and METAGGA exchange-correlation functionals.

Available functionals

This table lists the LDA and GGA functionals available in VASP. The names of functionals which end with "_X" and "_C" correspond to exchange-only and correlation functionals, respectively.

GGA= Type Description
LIBXC (or LI) LDA/GGA Any LDA or GGA from the external library Libxc.[2][3][4] It is necessary to have Libxc >= 5.2.0 installed and VASP.6.3.0 or higher compiled with precompiler options. The LIBXC1 and LIBXC2 tags (where examples are shown) are also required.
CA (or PZ)(1) LDA Slater exchange[5] + Perdew-Zunger parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.[6][7]
PW92(1) LDA Slater exchange[5] + Perdew-Wang parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.[6][8] Available since VASP.6.5.0.
SL(1) LDA Slater exchange only.[5] Available since VASP.6.4.3.
CA_C (or PZ_C) LDA Correlation-only Perdew-Zunger parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.[6][7] Available since VASP.6.4.3.
PW92_C LDA Correlation-only Perdew-Wang parametrization of Ceperley-Alder Monte Carlo correlation data.[6][8] Available since VASP.6.5.0.
VW(1) LDA Slater exchange[5] + Vosko-Wilk-Nusair correlation (VWN5).[9]
HL(1) LDA Slater exchange[5] + Hedin-Lundqvist correlation.[10]
WI(1) LDA Slater exchange[5] + Wigner correlation[11] (Eq. (3.2) in Ref. [12]).
PE GGA Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE).[13]
PBE_X GGA Exchange-only Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof.[13] Available since VASP.6.4.3.
PBE_C GGA Correlation-only Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof.[13] Available since VASP.6.4.3.
RE GGA Revised PBE from Zhang and Yang (revPBE).[14]
RP GGA Revised PBE from Hammer et al. (RPBE).[15]
PS GGA Revised PBE for solids (PBEsol).[16]
AM GGA Armiento-Mattsson (AM05).[17][18][19]
91(1) GGA Perdew-Wang (PW91).[20]
B3(1) GGA B3LYP[21] with VWN3[9] for LDA correlation.
B5(1) GGA B3LYP[21] with VWN5[9] for LDA correlation.
OR(2) GGA optPBE exchange[22] + PBE correlation.[13]
BO(2) GGA optB88 exchange[22] + PBE correlation.[13] PARAM1=0.1833333333 for and PARAM2=0.22 for also need to be specified.
MK(2) GGA optB86b exchange[23] + PBE correlation.[13] The PARAM1 and PARAM2 tags can be used to modify the parameters and , respectively.
ML(2) GGA PW86R exchange[24] + PBE correlation.[13]
CX(2) GGA CX (LV-PW86r) exchange[25] + PBE correlation.[13]
BF GGA BEEF (requires VASP compiled with -Dlibbeef).[26]

(1) The Slater LDA exchange includes relativistic effects.[27]

(2) The exchange component was designed in particular to be used as the exchange component of Nonlocal vdW-DF functionals and with AGGAC=0 such that only LDA is used for the local correlation, see list of nonlocal vdW-DF functionals.

Related tags and articles


Examples that use this tag


  1. M. Dion, H. Rydberg, E. Schröder, D. C. Langreth, and B. I. Lundqvist, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 246401 (2004).
  2. M. A. L. Marques, M. J. T. Oliveira, and T. Burnus, Comput. Phys. Commun., 183, 2272 (2012).
  3. S. Lehtola, C. Steigemann, M. J. T. Oliveira, and M. A. L. Marques, SoftwareX, 7, 1 (2018).
  5. a b c d e f P. A. M. Dirac, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 26, 376 (1930).
  6. a b c d D. M. Ceperley and B. J. Alder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 45, 566 (1980).
  7. a b J. P. Perdew and A. Zunger, Phys. Rev. B 23, 5048 (1981).
  8. a b J. P. Perdew and Y. Wang, Phys. Rev. B 45, 13244 (1992).
  9. a b c S. H. Vosko, L. Wilk, and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980).
  10. L. Hedin and B. I. Lundqvist, J. Phys. C 4, 2064 (1971).
  11. E. Wigner, Trans. Faraday Soc. 34, 678 (1938).
  12. D. Pines, in Solid State Physics, edited by F. Seitz and D. Turnbull (Academic, New York, 1955), Vol. I, p. 367.
  13. a b c d e f g h J. P. Perdew, K. Burke, and M. Ernzerhof, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 3865 (1996).
  14. Y. Zhang and W. Yang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 890 (1998).
  15. B. Hammer, L. B. Hansen, and J. K. Nørskov, Phys. Rev. B 59, 7413 (1999).
  16. J. P. Perdew, A. Ruzsinszky, G. I. Csonka, O. A. Vydrov, G. E. Scuseria, L. A. Constantin, X. Zhou, and K. Burke, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 136406 (2008).
  17. R. Armiento and A. E. Mattsson, Phys. Rev. B 72, 085108 (2005).
  18. A. E. Mattsson, R. Armiento, J. Paier, G. Kresse, J. M. Wills, and T. R. Mattsson, J. Chem. Phys. 128, 084714 (2008).
  19. A. E. Mattsson and R. Armiento, Phys. Rev. B 79, 155101 (2009).
  20. J. P. Perdew, J. A. Chevary, S. H. Vosko, K. A. Jackson, M. R. Pederson, D. J. Singh, and C. Fiolhais, Phys. Rev. B 46, 6671 (1992).
  21. a b P. J. Stephens, F. J. Devlin, C. F. Chabalowski, and M. J. Frisch, J. Phys. Chem. 98, 11623 (1994).
  22. a b J. Klimeš, D. R. Bowler, and A. Michaelides, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 022201 (2010).
  23. J. Klimeš, D. R. Bowler, and A. Michaelides, Phys. Rev. B 83, 195131 (2011).
  24. K. Lee, E. D. Murray, L. Kong, B. I. Lundqvist, and D. C. Langreth, Phys. Rev. B 82, 081101(R) (2010).
  25. K. Berland and P. Hyldgaard, Phys. Rev. B 89, 035412 (2014).
  26. J. Wellendorff, K. T. Lundgaard, A. Møgelhøj, V. Petzold, D. D. Landis, Jens K. Nørskov, T. Bligaard, and K. W. Jacobsen, Phys. Rev. B 85, 235149 (2012).
  27. A. H. MacDonald and S. H. Vosko, A relativistic density functional formalism, J. Phys. C 12, 2977 (1979).